Luc's Most Riveting Q&A Here...ⓁTate
Outcomes over feelings always...
ⓁTate: Feelings are relatively unimportant compared to outcomes.
Q: What's the key to make all our efforts to succeed?
ⓁTate: Actually try.
ⓁTate: If you catch yourself on phone when you have access to a computer, it's a red're wasting time.
Q: Does having a job lead to laziness?
ⓁTate: Opposite, having a job makes people NOT lazy.
Q:What make a good father?
ⓁTate: Good father is any father that fed you food. Bad father is a father that let you starve to death. If you’re alive you got a good father.
Q: How to regain dopamine from productive activities?
ⓁTate: Everyone is unimpressive cause they're all getting dopamine from unproductive things. Cut off everything unproductive, go through the dopamine withdrawals, THEN, you'll find dopamine in the productive stuff you used to not get dopamine from.